Vision and Mission

  • Motto : Tejo si tejo mi dehi.  तेजो सि तेजो मे देहि

                “Let thy wisdom enlighten me."

  • Vision:

It is to transform the college into a full-fledged learning center by providing a quality higher education with equal opportunity to rural, unprivileged, hilly, draught prone, remote region students and especially the girls.

  • Mission :

To make an overall development of students through disciplined teaching-learning process.

  • Objectives :
  1.  To face the changing and challenging global demands of the times as are concerned, it envisions;
  2. To facilitate the resources of teaching and learning in specialized disciplines.
  3. To empower girls education.
  4. To create global competence through standardized and updated sources.
  5. To strengthen the national democratic and social values among students.
  6. To develop employability skills and to make students a responsible citizen of the nation.
  7. To equip students with all need based learning and knowledge.
  8. To develop an effective competitive aptitude and skills among the students.
  9. To impart and inculcate the scientific temper, moral, rational and educational values.