Teaching Tools

         Efforts are channelized to make learning an enjoyable experience to the students by resorting to a combination of both conventional teaching methodology and using the modern interactive learning techniques. Beside the conventional use of black boards, teaching is made student centric by use of interactive and collaborative techniques. These are:


  1. Class room discussions to provoke the thought process among the students.
  2. Use of Charts/Maps/Flow Sheets/Diagrams in class rooms.
  3. Use of internet and computer technology by students in computer labs/library and individual departments.
  4. Conducting enrichment programs, value added certificate courses with stress on practical orientation of students.
  5. Organizing students seminars.
  6. Organizing peer lectures.
  7. Participation of students in research projects and activities like “Avishkar”.
  8. Participation of students in workshops and other co-curricular activities.
  9. Home assignments for students.
  10. Field visits of science students to industries, national laboratories and sanctuaries.
  11. Visits of Commerce students to banks and cash credit cooperative societies.
  12. Field visits of History students to museums and historical monuments.
  13. Historical survey of villages.
  14. Literacy and health survey of villages.
  15. Well equipped having net connectivity computer lab is used by teachers and students for self learning.
  16. Exhibitions, poster competition, class seminar, Avishkar activities have been carried out for collaborative learning.
  17. Surveys, excursions, study tours, group discussion, and science association programs lead students to interactive learning.
  18. Every student and Teacher is provided with user id and password for use of INFLIBNET resources.
  19. The college encourages the use of computers, LCD Projectors for PPT.