
Department of Library Science


Name                                                               Qualification                              Designation

Mrs. Pawar Shubhangi Raosaheb             M.A.,M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil,Ph.D.(App.)    Librarian


Library Details

  1. Total Area of the Library: 100 square meters
  2. Total Seating Capacity: 1. Boys Section: 30  Girls Section: 30
  3. Separate periodical section                              
  4. Additional Space: During examination period three class rooms are kept open for students to be used as reading rooms.
  5. Number of Computers available in library with Internet Connectivity: 2
  6. E-books: More than 3052200
  7. E-journals: More than 6000
  8. Library Staff: 02
  9. New Arrivals: Display rack
  10. Working hours: 1. Monday to Friday: 8.30 am to 4.30 pm  Saturday: 8.30am to 2.30pm
  11. Reading Room open : 24 hours
  • OPAC: On-line public access catalogue search facility is available.
  • INFLIBNET N-LIST consortia access available to students and staff.

Layout of the library (individual reading carrels, lounge area for browsing and relaxed reading, IT zone for accessing e-resources):

·Total number of computers for public access : 20 PC’s
·Total numbers of printers for public access : 02

Library Committee :-

The library Committee is formed as per the guidelines of the Maharashtra University Act 1994.The Principal is the Chairman, and the librarian is the secretary and all the Heads of the departments are the members of the committee. The committee meets twice a year to take certain decisions regarding all the matters, management and administration of the library.