Nirbhay Kanya Abhiyan 2023 2024
1)Shtri Janiv-Janiv jagruti programme was conducted under which rallies were organized, poster exhibition was held, and questionnaire was prepared to be solved by the students to evoke justice for women in society.
2)Nirbhay Kanya Abhiyan:
The College has hosted camps for the University sponsored Nirbhay Kanya Abhiyan, a project to make girl students self reliant and bold enough to with stand and resist physical advances by the antisocial elements.
The College organized “My Mother in My College” pro gram to boost the confidence of parents on the issue of their social security and the need to encourage the girl students to higher education.
3)Career Orientation for Students Underprivileged:
Students from backward classes and specially girls are counseled for career development and the availability of various career programs and avenues for self employment.
Guided the students about various enrichment courses that are essential to develop subject knowledge and excel in chosen field.
4)Competitive Examination Guidance for Underprivileged:
The Competitive Examination Guidance Centre conducts orientation discourses on employment opportunities in various government and private and public sectors.
The students are informed about the methods of induction in to different job cadre and the type of competitive exams that are being conducted.
Students are also informed about the reservation policies and the seats reserved for backward classes and the females.
5)Women Self Help Group Orientation:
Recognizing the needs to strengthen microeconomics and the anticipated vital role of women in national development the College organizes lectures by experts from government sectors and banks to orient girl students in forming Self Help Groups at village levels and to start cottage industries.
6)Entrepreneurship Development:
The College organizes lectures by district industries centre, bank officers and other government officers to orient students on the possible avenues in self employment, establishing a business or a trade. Students are also oriented about the various government schemes for financing such entrepreneurship activities.
Students are helped and guided for starting service enterprise in insurance or banking sector.
7)Legal Awareness and Women Empowerment:
Women are generally at the receiving end of the society and the situation is particularly pathetic in rural villages due to lack of literacy and economic dependency.
The College organizes lectures of peers in the area of women empowerment.
Recognizing the need of women empowerment in social, economical and political field the College call experts from Legal, Administrative, Political, Police and Banking sectors to orient girl students on their rights and powers.
The College regularly organizes lectures of government officials to boost legal literacy among the girl students. Girl students are educated on the issues of resisting domestic violence and know their educational, economical and legal rights.
Girls are encouraged to participate in political stream through local self governments and participate in rural development.
8)Students’ Participation in College Management:
The College encourages students, especially the girls to participate in college management through their representation on various committees.
The College has an active Students Council the members of which get experience in education management and playing leadership role.
9)Health Checkup camps at selected villages:
During winter NSS camps the College organizes health service camps in the village. Prominent health services and medical counseling made available to village residents are eye checkup, hemoglobin checkup and general health.
10)NSS Program:
Beside other social activities the College organizes a special NSS camp in a selected village to orient volunteers in rural development and to sensitize them on the educations, health, social issues related with villages.
The seven day camp involve extensive training to the students on the various socio-economic and health issues.
The volunteers conduct social survey on the education and health issues.
The volunteers organize street plays to promote awareness among the rural residents on the issues of literacy, girl education, legal literacy, women empowerment, pollution, environment conservation and scientific temperament.
Volunteers organize street plays to discourage superstitions, money lending practices and eradicating social evils like female feticide, dowry system and domestic violence.
11)Earn and Learn Scheme:
The College is on the forefront in implementing Earn and Learn Scheme. This is well evident from the number of students enrolled in last four years and the amount of funds distributed to the students for their labors.
Girls and other students coming from economically weaker section are given preference to enrolment in the scheme.
The students work in office, library and laboratory and also in the campus.
Beside the stipulated remuneration, which is directly transferred into the bank account of the students, the students frequently get refreshments sponsored by some faculty members.
It is worth mentioning that during last two years students, from earn and learn, NSS and second year environment course, contributed labors worth over Rs 4 lakh.
12)Students’ Mentoring:
Counseling of students who are either slow learners or habitual absentee in the class rooms. The concern teachers interact with the students to know the social or economical problems and accordingly provide advice for his/her needs.
Group counseling is generally taken up in the class room for motivation of students.
In an informal way the College faculty mentors students extending fiscal and moral support and facilitating the students to continue their education.
Many of the faculty members pay examination fees or advance money to students to meet monetary emergencies.
13)Fund raising for Medical Treatment:
The College allows the nearby residents and other stakeholders, after obtaining necessary permission from the Principal, to raise funds from students and faculty for the medical treatment of anyone residing in the tehsil.
The relatives of the patient have to produce certificates and other documents issued by the hospital where major surgery or treatment for diseases like cancer, lungs, and heart is planned.
In 2013-14 the College recommended for medical treatment of a student for heart surgery. This surgery was successful.
14)Students’ Life Insurance:
The College students are insured under group policy “Students Safety Insurance Scheme” of University of Pune. The Colleg e pays the prorate premium on the policy.
15)ICT Training to Students:
As stated earlier for this college, over 90 % students come from underprivileged sections of the society on the grounds of economic, caste, gender or location. To develop the students at par with their urban counterparts the College has launched extensive training to students in Internet and Communication Technology. The College has invested a significantly large amount for procuring computers, connecting the machines through LAN and providing broadband internet connectivity.
16)Facilitating Students for filing application forms to Scholarships:
The College Office and members of the various concerned committees help the students to file e-scholarship forms.
Minority students were encouraged to apply for post-matric scholarships.
17)Historical Survey of Villages:
During NSS camps the Department of History conducts a historical survey of the village.
Department of Botany also conducts a survey of varieties of plants, herbs, and trees found around the village.
18)Literacy Survey of Villages:
During NSS camps the volunteers conduct literacy survey to make available the important data to village head for taking further action.
Literacy camps and awareness drive are also conducted by the members of Committee for Extensions and Social Work.